Cracking the Mysticism Behind Eco-Friendly Packaging

Cracking the Mysticism Behind Eco-Friendly Packaging

June 23rd, 2023

By Velina

With e-commerce shopping becoming a norm in the western world, including groceries to everyday product purchasing, the packaging industry has unfortunately become a leader in consumer-led damage to our Earth. The Beautiful Earth is peacefully educating and bringing awareness to the misconceptions of compostable mailers versus uncommon packaging options that might be more beneficial for our planet. We have a goal to shine a light on the mysticism that surrounds ecologically friendly matters. The entire life cycle of a product is important in maintaining minimal ecological damage - from the materials used to create it to its final resting place.

We respect everyone’s thoughtful time and consideration into their own ec0-friendly mailing choices. Delving in deeper, what is your package material typically made of when you order something online? The most common are traditional boxes and plastic mailers. When stepping into more mindful choices, the compostable mailer has been advertised as the eco-friendly option when it comes to shipping, and compared to those traditional boxes and plastic mailers, there is a transparent benefit in using the compostable option, but the concern transpires when you analyze its claimed

multi-use. These compostable mailers tend to arrive worn from their one travel and usually can’t make it out for a second go. So the option then becomes to actually make it compostable, but how many people actually use a compost garden in their backyard? I hope many of you, but if not, and the mailer then ends up in the trash, its purpose is practically defeated. If it ends up in a recycling center, it most likely will not successfully break down due to the specific “compost” conditions it requires. In addition, it is unlikely that it will be reused due its fragile nature to begin with. For the average American, this is not the most secure, mother earthly option.

How is a recyclable poly mailer any diIerent? It is made with polyethylene plastic creating plastic film. This means that the materials are 100% recyclable post-use, unlike biodegradable options including mainstream compostable material. On top of that, since the recyclable poly mailer comes to your doorstep in a sturdy condition, it is absolutely reusable. This creates a longer life cycle for the poly mailer, giving it a versatile condition and honoring a more eco-friendly code. When discarded properly at a waste film facility/bin (which are located in most cities), the package becomes entirely refurbished, ready to be used as another product.

Here at The Beautiful Earth, we want to embolden making knowledge-based sustainability a community effort, so we encourage you to re-use your mailer from us on your next mailout, and/or drop it into the Thin Film Bin in your city, and we will honor a discount code on your next purchase if you tag us in a picture or video of you doing so.

Let’s take a deeper dive in comparing the two mailing options. What does being created from non-reusable resources actually mean? The material used to create a compostable mailer is finite and cannot be easily replenished or reused, such as fossil fuels (like petroleum, used far too common for the creation of plastic) and minerals like crude oil and coal. This makes the product un-recyclable and can only be compostable under specific, usually industrial conditions. Even when it is compostable, if the company that created the packaging used questionable plastic products, the compost can damage our soil - which is a leading problem in our battle with climate change. This is crucial information to understand, because the popular idea of composting might have created a larger issue for our environment than originally intended.

Time to re-focus on the honest aspects of a recyclable poly mailer. Although recyclable in a proper film bin, a poly mail is not entirely made of renewable energy. A poly mailer must be discarded at a film bin because it does not have successful biodegradable properties and will not be processed correctly at a traditional recycling center. When this packaging hits a film container, the material is shred into small pieces, and washed to remove any contaminants. Then it is melted down to create new plastic products. Although a poly-mailer is not optimally manufactured, it is currently providing the smallest carbon footprint to date as a packaging option due to its multifaceted life cycle. The Beautiful Earth is mindfully and intentionally putting energy into cultivating a positive and environmentally-safe reality.

We are not here to recycle-shame, on the contrary, we are in an ever evolving world and soon enough, anticipate more eco-friendly options to develop and further promote a greener world. It is important for us to stay true to our values, which means creating an eco-considerate experience for our community, from the threading in our clothing to the shipment of our products and thereafter. It can be di  cult to get misled about the “fine print” when it comes to commonly recognized organic and supposedly eco-safe products, so we strive to be transparent in our own learning process. As we continue to be a part of the climate conscious movement, it is important for us to also accept the lifelong learning aspect of our evolving Earth and her needs. We encourage questions, as our brand is more than just a mindful clothing company, but a vigilant act on creating a safe, e-commerce clothing shift.

THE BEAUTIFUL EARTH is a global, conscious clothing + healthy essentials brand. 

Founded by filmmaker + artist Bethany Ashton Wolf, Bethany is striving to design and create organic, sustainable, recycled, vegan, ethically-sourced clothing + essentials that are good for the earth, our bodies, and our well being. 

Organic hoodies, organic sweatpants, recycled beanies, organic trucker hats, organic tees, supima cotton t-shirts, stainless steel water canteens, water bottles, and bamboo to-go cups that are all BPA-free are just some of the products in her line that she is focusing on that bring her customers elevated streetwear that is cool to wear and cool for the planet. 

Our blogs here at The Beautiful Earth delve into health and wellness, mental well-being, healthy beauty, healthy home-living, and mind, body, spirit topics that help us all find ways to live a more conscious lifestyle overall.  

*If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read on this blog, website or in any linked materials.